Not only are roaches unattractive but they are a health concern.  Roaches are known to carry diseases and can cause allergic reactions.  They are extremely resilient pests, and once they invade your home can be very difficult to get rid of.  Their biggest attractant is food, but even once the food area is cleaned, roaches can survive for up to 3 months without eating.  In the mean time they look for dark, damp, wet places to hide.  *Food Roaches are not included in General Pesrts 


House centipedes (the common indoor species of centipedes) are grayish-yellow and usually marked with three dark longitudinal stripes visible from above.   Although not considered dangerous, centipedes can deliver a painful “pinch”, especially when handled.  Centipedes do not really bite; they inject venom from modified claws found in their front legs.  It causes a slight swelling and irritation similar to that of a bee or wasp sting and is usually not fatal.


Mice often live in hidden areas within homes, including storage boxes, attics and wall interiors.  They can fit through extremely small openings in foundations, floors and walls.  Once they enter your home, they can be extremely difficult to get rid of especially since they rarely leave their nests during daylight.  Professional pest control should be sought for the knowledge, training and expertise to successfully manage mice.


Gnats are typically small and long-legged flying inspects.  Contrary to popular belief, these flying insects are not babies, they are adults.  Depending on species, gnats can be biting or non-biting and feed on plants, other insects or blood.  Gnats have been known to carry parasites and spread diseases to humans and livestock.  They assemble in large swarms that occur most commonly at dusk in large fields and above streets.  The best control for gnats in your home is to identify any plants that have wet soil and let that soil dry completely before the next watering.  Keeping fruit in the refrigerator will protect it from gnats as well.  Schedule an inspection if you are encountering difficulty ridding your home of these pests.


These plant-sucking pests are a familiar problem in greenhouses, in gardens, and on indoor plants.  These small insects are 1-4 millimeters long. The females are covered with a white, cottony or mealy wax secretion and look like tiny cotton balls on plants, taking away a plant's aesthetic value.  Male mealybugs do exhibit a radical change during their life cycle, changing from wingless, ovoid nymphs to wasp-like flying adults.


Earwigs get their name from the myth that they crawl into sleeping people's ears and tunnel into the brain. They do not really do that!  Earwigs feed on leaves, flowers, fruits, mold and insects.  Earwigs hide during the day and live outdoors in large numbers. They can be found under piles of lawn clippings, compost or in tree holes. They enter buildings through cracks in the walls.  They do not spread disease, but they can be scary to look at.  Earwigs are dark brown in color and are long, narrow and 1" in size.  They have 6 legs, an antenna and no wings.


​​Moths are attracted to wool, but they're especially apt to enter your closet if your clothing has stains from food and other items that they like to eat. Make sure you wash your clothes before hanging them up. Dry clean wool items before storing them.  If you have been trying to get rid of moths on your own but can't seem to get them under control they may be laying eggs in the walls or other place you can't get to.   Call your A-1 Pest Control professional to fumigate the area and kill the moth eggs.


Psocids (pronounced SO-sids) are common outdoor insects, although some species are occasionally are found indoors. Psocids are very common in new houses. This is because the environment is relatively humid, and these bugs do well in humid conditions. They likely came in on construction materials while the house was being built, and simply stayed.  If you are seeing very tiny reddish-brown, beetle-looking bugs primarily in the bathroom (mostly around drains and sinks) and in windowsills of other rooms, you have psocids. They don't fly, they move really slow, and are less than 1/2 inch long.



Beetles are the most common insect with over 120,000 different kinds in the United States alone!  Some beetle species can destroy crops or property while other beetles are good for the environment.  Beetles can be easily recognized by their shell-like exterior.

A-1 Pest Control in louisville


​​​The common household ants are one of the earliest inspects to appear at the beginning of spring and the last to leave in the fall.  There are more than 1,000 different species in North America and they come in a variety of sizes and colors.  For the most part, they're harmless, but they certainly can be a real nuisance!
Ants are a social insect that lives in colonies.  They only invade structure in search of food, shelter or water.  It can be very frustrating to try to control them, but with proper identification and treatment, it can be VERY EFFECTIVE!


Named for their silver color, these little insects are common household pests that can run very fast, but cannot fly.  They are more active at night which makes them harder to locate.   Silverfish feed on carbohydrates, particularly sugars and starches and they have been found in unopened food packages.  While they are capable of thriving in most climates, silverfish prefer to dwell in dark, damp areas and they multiply quickly.  They are especially attracted to paper and damp clothing and are commonly found in stored boxes in garages and sheds.

There are approximately 370 species and each has their own characteristics.  Being able to identify the proper species is critical for quick and effective treatment.


Many cricket species can be a garden pest, where they will munch on young plants or flowers, but usually their damage is minor compared to other insect species. They only get truly destructive if there is a population outbreak.  It’s also important to know that crickets lay their eggs in the loose soil found in gardens and flowerbeds. That means cricket populations may continue to grow unchecked unless properly treated.


People find millipedes under mulch, piles of dead leaves, or under piles of grass clipping. Millipedes also live under structures like dog houses and storage sheds. Millipedes thrive in places where the soil stays damp. They eat dead leaves and decaying wood particles that they find.


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